Frequently Asked Questions
What SMS packages do you offer and what are the costs involved?
Costs are determined according to a sliding scale. If you buy in bulk, you pay less - view pricing.
Does it cost me anything to forward my replies to an email address or mobile number?
Forwarding your incoming replies to a mobile number will have 1 credit deducted from your account for each reply received.
Forwarding your incoming replies to an email address is free.
Do you pay for all SMSes sent or only delivered SMSes?
Users pay for all messages processed from the platform.
What is the amount of credits used when I send an SMS?
The amount of credits used is based on the amount of characters used in your message, as per the below breakdown:
- 0 – 160 characters = 1 SMS (1 credit)
- 161 – 306 characters = 2 SMSs (2 credits)
- 307 - 459 characters = 3 SMSs (3 credits)
Are there any monthly or setup fees involved for using the platform?
There are no monthly or setup fees, and you only pay for your SMS credits on a pre-paid system.
Is this a contract or pre-paid service?
We work on a pre-paid system. You only pay for the SMS credits as and when required.
What are the costs of the Short Code services?
Please visit our website for more accurate pricing - view pricing.
Is there any way to avoid customers having to pay for sending a message to a Short Code?
Yes, Short Code reverse billing is supported.
Updated 1 day ago