<Image title="Opt-Outs.gif" alt={1601} align="center" width="80%" src="https://files.readme.io/d717260-Opt-Outs_Screen.png">
Opt-Outs Screen
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### Overview
The Opt-Out feature is built in to the platform, which allows any customer to Opt-Out from messages received from a specific account, when they reply with any of the fixed Opt-Out phrases. This feature is set by default and does not require any setup.
Simply click on "Sending" on the left-hand control panel menu and select the "Opt-Outs" option.
### Searching for a Number
Enter the specific number you are looking for in the "Opt-Out Number Search" section to the right of your screen, and click on "Search". The system will then show you if the number is part of your Opt-Out list.
### Viewing a Number's History
To view the Opt-Out history of a specific number, simply search for the number as per the first step, and select the "View History" option.
### Importing a Number to your Opt-Out list
To add a number(s) to your Opt-Out list, simply select the "+Add Opt-Out" option to the top right of your screen, and choose to either import a single number, or bulk file.
### Removing a Number from your Opt-Out list
To delete a number from your account's Opt-Out list, simply search for the number, and select the "Remove from Opt-Out List" option. You can then specify which user account's Opt-Out list to remove it from, by ticking the relevant box and click on "Remove Opt-Outs".
### Downloading your Opt-Out list
To download a list of all your Opt-Outs, simply click on the "Download List" button to the top-left of your Opt-Outs screen, and choose your preferred file type. The system will then download a list of all your Opt-Outs.
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> 📘 Important Information
> * The system will accept the following number formats when importing single numbers: 27831234567 / 0831234567 / 831234567
> * Before uploading a bulk file to your account's blacklist, ensure that you make use of a CSV or Text file only, and that the numbers are in column A of your document.
> * All examples used are based on South African number ranges and the format may differ, depending on your country prefix.
> 🚧 Opt-Out Phrases
> * If a recipient replies to a message received from an account with the following phrases as an example, they will automatically be added to the account's opt-out list:\
> Opt-Out / Remove / Unsubscribe / Stop / Spam / Quit / Delete / Any Profanity
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Updated 9 days ago