Where are my credits?
Use the checklist below to see the possible reasons for your credits not reflecting, after making a payment.
Was this your first online payment?
YES - To ensure authenticity and security, all first-time customer payments will need to be verified before credits will reflect. This process could take several hours to complete during office hours only.
NO - Move to the next question below...
Have you refreshed your account?
NO - Refresh your account or log out and back in.
YES - Move to the next question below...
Was the payment successful?
YES - Please send us a screenshot or proof from your bank that the funds have been deducted from your account to [email protected], we will investigate and get back to you as soon as possible.
NO - Move to the next question below...
Did your transaction fail or was it declined?
- Ensure that your Credit / Debit Card is 3-D Secured for online payments. This is an arrangement between you and your bank and SMSPortal does not provide any OTPs.
- If you did get an OTP from the bank, the transaction might have been declined due to the OTP not being entered in time and the session expired.
- If you did type in your OTP, the transaction could have been declined due to insufficient funds or the incorrect OTP being entered.
Contact Us
If the above checklist could not resolve your issue, please contact us.
Did you generate an invoice from within your account?
NO - Generate an invoice.
YES - Move to the next question below...
Have you sent the proof of payment?
NO - Please send us an email to [email protected] with the proof of payment and your username as a reference for the payment.
YES - If you have set it up with your bank to automatically send us the proof of payment, it might be that there is a delay from the bank and that we have not received the proof of payment as yet. We will notify you as soon as we have received the proof of payment and loaded your credits, or kindly manually send us the proof of payment to avoid any delays.
Did you use the correct reference?
NO - Please send us an email to [email protected] with the proof of payment stating for which username/account the payment is for.
YES - Move to the next question below...
Did you pay the exact amount as per the invoice?
NO - Generate a new invoice for the exact same amount or make an additional payment for the difference.
YES - Move to the next question below...
Contact Us
If the above checklist could not resolve your issue, please contact us.
Updated about 1 month ago