Web Services API (Legacy)
Important: API Channel Activation for New Accounts and Sub-Accounts
When you create a new Account or Sub-Account, please be aware that by default, no API channels will be active. To enable API access and manage your Accounts and Sub-Accounts' API credentials and settings, please follow the steps outlined in the "API Keys" page.
Note for Accounts Created Before 6 June 2023: If you have an Account that was created before 6 June 2023, the API channels would have been automatically enabled. However, if you wish to switch to an alternative API or use additional APIs, you will need to create an API Key for the desired API.
The web service can be referenced at https://legacy.mymobileapi.com/api5/api.asmx
The naming convention describes what the function accepts and returns. E.g.: Reply_STR_DS will accept an XML string and return a data set (.net object).
Most of the functions follow a common thread: accept 3 parameters, return XML or dataset.
The returned data will always contain the following:
The result will be either “True” or “False”.
If “False” the error will be displayed with the “error” tag.
Sending Messages (Web Services)
To send is relatively easy, but due to the various options it can seem confusing.
In a nutshell:
If you specify a default then it will only be utilised if the entry data does not exist. If neither exists then it will throw an error.
There are 5 methods for sending your messages:
- Send_DS_DS (Accepts data set, returns data set)
- Send_STR_DS (Accepts XML string, returns data set)
- Send_STR_STR (Accepts XML string, returns XML string)
- Send_DS_STR (Accepts data set, returns XML string)
- Send _ZIP_ZIP (Accepts zipped stream, returns zipped stream)
Each function accepts 3 parameters
- Username (string)
- Password (string)
- XML string or data set or compressed byte array (depending on the function you choose).
The XML objects looks like this:
<default_data1>This is a default msg</default_data1>
<senderid>Test me</senderid>
<data1>This is a test message 1!</data1>
XML Tag Table
The following table determines how the result is formatted, as well as defining the defaults.
live | If Live = false then it will return the result but won’t send the data. It won’t appear in your sent report. | True |
return_credits | If True then the current credits count will be returned. | False |
return_msgs_credits_used | If True then the amount of credits used will be returned | False |
return_msgs_success_count | If True then the total success data count will appear in the result. | False |
| If True then the total failed data count will appear in the result. | False |
return_entries_success_status | If True then the data that is accepted will be returned in the result. | False |
return_entries_failed_status | If True then the data that is rejected will be returned in the result. | False |
default_senderid | This is the default setting for the call but can be overridden by the individual entries. Only certain accounts can alter this. | Repliable |
*default_date | This is the date the messages must be sent out. | |
*default_time | This is the time the messages must be sent out. | |
default_curdate | This is the current date on your server. It is used to determine when your messages should go out. If not used then the server date is used. | Sever Date |
default_curtime | This is the current time on your server. It is used to determine when your messages should go out. If not used then the server time is used. | Server Time |
default_data1 | This is the default setting for the call but can be overridden by the individual entries. | |
default_type | This is the default setting for the call. | SMS |
default_costcentre | Will be used in future. | "" |
mo_forwardemail | All incoming replies will be forwarded to this email address | "" |
default_validityperiod | This is the amount of time, in hours, that an SMS should remain valid. The network will continue to try to deliver the SMS for the amount of time specified. |
All tags marked with * are mandatory
Post Paid Customers
Return Credits will always return a value of 1000000 on Post Paid accounts as no credit deduction occurs on this account type.
XML tag | Description |
entries_failed | If this tag exists then some of the data you pushed has errors.
entries_success | If this tag exists then it will contain “numto” and “customerid”. |
send_info | This describes the overall data returned. It WILL contain “eventid” and COULD have “credits”, “msgs_credits_used”, “msgs_success” and “msgs_failed”.
The output of the following will be defined by the input of the above parameters:
<reason>numto invalid</reason>
The following table determines how the result is formatted, as well as defining the defaults.
XML tag | Description | Default |
live | If Live = false then it will return the result but won’t send the data. It won’t appear in your sent report. | True |
return_msgs_credits_used | If True then the amount of credits used will be returned. | False |
return_credits | If True then the current Credits count will be returned. | False |
return_msgs_success_count | If True then the total success data count will appear in the result. | False |
return_entries_failed_status | If True then the total failed data count will appear in the result. | False |
return_entries_success_status | If True then the data that is accepted will be returned in the result. | False |
return_entries_failed_status | This is the default setting for the call but can be overridden by the individual entries. Only certain accounts can alter this. | False |
*default_date | This is the date the messages must be sent out. | |
*default_time | This is the time the messages must be sent out. | |
default_curdate | This is the current time on your server. It is used to determine when your messages should go out. If not used then the server time is used. | Server Date |
default_curtime | This is the current time on your server. It is used to determine when your messages should go out. If not used then the server time is used. | Server Time |
default_data1 | This is the default setting for the call but can be overridden by the individual entries. | "" |
default_type | This is the default setting for the call. | SMS |
default_costcentre | "" | |
mo_forwardemail | All incoming replies will be forwarded to this email | "" |
default_validityperiod | The amount of time in hours an SMS should remain valid. The network will continue to try to deliver the SMS over the validity period. |
There are 5 methods for retrieving sent items:
- Sent_DS_DS (Accepts data set, returns data set)
- Sent_STR_DS (Accepts XML string, returns data set)
- Sent_STR_STR (Accepts XML string, returns XML string)
- Sent_DS_STR (Accepts data set, returns XML string)
- Sent_ZIP_ZIP (Accepts zipped stream, returns zipped stream)
Each function accepts 3 parameters
- Username (string)
- Password (string)
- XML string or data set (depending on the function you choose)
The XML object looks like this:
Parameter | Description | Default |
*ID | The max CHANGEID from the previous call. Start with “0” | - |
Max_recs | The number of records returned from the call. Values 1 to 100 | 100 |
Cols_Returned | The xml tags returned in the result. Options are: sentid, eventid, smstype, numto, data, customerid, status, statusdate. Each entry must be separated by a comma. | ChangeID |
Date Format | The format of any dates that are returned. | dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm:ss |
All entries marked with * are mandatory
The output returned will be a data set or XML in the following format:
XML tag | Description |
changeid | A unique ID identifying the change in a message status. |
sentid | A unique value for each message. You could receive the same SentID back if the message status changes. |
eventid | When sending, an eventid is generated and returned in the result xml. This eventid can be for 1 or “infinity” message entries. |
smstype | This is the type of message sent. (Default = SMS) |
numto | The number the message was sent to. |
data | The data sent to the user. |
customerid | The customerid for the message when the data was sent. |
status | The message status. Options are “DELIVRD”, “UNDELIV”, ”UNKNOWN”, ”EXPIRED”. |
statusdate | The date and time the message was sent. |
The design allows the following:
- Retrieval of items you have not already pulled
- Instant retrieval of data (due to API table design and indexing)
- Customisable result formatting
- Prevention of timeouts
So how is this achieved?
The API system uses a unique identity field called “replyid” which is permanently incrementing. When an inbound message is received from the corresponding network, a new record is written to the API and the replyid will increment by 1.
In the result set, the element “replyid” will be present along with the other elements you have specified.
This needs to be stored and the maximum replyid utilised by the next call. The following is occurring within the SMS gateway:
“Select top 100 * from API_Reply_Table where replyid > @ID order by replyid asc”
- Start with id (replyid) = 0.
- Store the max replyid in your local system, permanently (database or IO system).
- Only pull back data you require, using the “cols_returned” element (this will reduce bandwidth).
Inbound messages are only retained for up to seven days, i.e. replies that were sent more than a week ago cannot be retrieved via Web Services.
Only replies to messages that were sent via Web Services, and from the account that was used for authentication, can be retrieved. E.g. sub accounts cannot retrieve each other’s messages, and replies to messages sent via FTP cannot be retrieved via Web Services.
There are 5 methods for retrieving replies:
- Reply_DS_DS (Accepts data set, returns data set)
- Reply_STR_DS (Accepts XML string, returns data set)
- Reply_STR_STR (Accepts (XML string, returns XML string)
- Reply_DS_STR (Accepts data set, returns XML string)
- Reply_ZIP_ZIP (Accepts zipped stream, returns zipped stream)
Each function accepts 3 parameters:
- Username (string)
- Password (string)
- XML string or data set (depending on the function you choose)
The XML object looks like this:
<cols_returned> </cols_returned>
<date_format> </date_format>
Parameter | Description | Default |
*ID | The max REPLYID from the previous call | - |
Max_recs | The number of records returned from the call. Values 1 to 100 | 100 |
Cols_Returned | The xml tags returned in the result. Options are: replyid, eventid, numfrom, receiveddata, received, sentid, sentdata, sentdatetime, sentcustomerid, optout. Each entry must be separated by a comma. | Replyid |
Date Format | The format of any dates that are returned. | dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm:ss |
All entries marked with * are mandatory
The output returned will be a data set or XML in the following format:
replyid | The max unique REPLYID for each incoming message |
eventid | When sending an eventid is generated and returned in the result xml. This eventid |
numfrom | The number of the user that sent the incoming message |
receiveddata | The data that the user returned |
received | The date and time the message was received |
sentid | The unique sentid for the outgoing message |
sentdata | The data sent to the user |
sentdatetime | The date and time the message was sent |
sentcustomerid | The customerid for the message when the data was sent |
optout | Contains the value 1 if the received data matched an opt-out phrase, or 0 if not. |
Retrieve Incoming Short Code Entries
The SMS gateway is designed to allow easy retrieval of your inbound messages (shortcodes).
The design allows the following:
- Retrieval of items you have not already pulled
- Instant retrieval of data (due to API table design and indexing)
- Customisable result formatting
- Prevention of timeouts
So how is this achieved?
The API system uses a unique identity field called “changeid”, which is permanently incrementing.
When an inbound message is received from the corresponding network, a new record is written to the API and the changeid will increment by 1.
In the result set, the element “changeid” will be present along with the other elements you have specified. This needs to be stored and the maximum changeid utilised by the next call. The following is occurring within the SMS gateway:
“Select top 100 * from Short Code_Table where ID > @ID order by ID asc”
There are 6 methods available for retrieving replies:
- ShortCode_Get_DS_DS
- ShortCode_Get_DS_STR
- ShortCode_Get_DS_ZIP
- ShortCode_Get_STR_DS
- ShortCode_Get_STR_STR
- ShortCode_Get_STR_ZIP
Each function accepts 3 parameters:
- Username (string)
- Password (string)
- XML string or data set (depending on the function you choose)
The XML object looks like this:
<date_format>Dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm:ss</date_format>
XML tag | Description | Default |
*ID | The max ChangeID from the previous call. | - |
Date_Format | The format of any dates that are returned. | Dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm:ss |
Shortcode | The short code (5 digit number). If nothing is specified then all short codes are returned. | 0 |
Keyword | Search on a keyword. If a keyword has been allocated to your account eg: “test” you can specify to retrieve only these entries. | "" |
Cols_Returned | The following parameters are available in any combination: changeid, shortcode, keyword, phonenumber, message, received, mnc, mcc. If nothing is specified changeid, shortcode, keyword, phonenumber, message, received will be returned as a default. | As mentioned. |
All entries marked with * are mandatory
The output returned will be a data set or XML in the following format:
<received>19/Jan/2024 13:40:58</received>
XML tag | Description |
ChangeID | The max unique ChangeID for each incoming message. |
Shortcode | The short code (5 digit number). |
Keyword | If the shortcode has been separated on a keyword. it will be displayed. |
Phonenumber | The number the message was received from. |
Message | The message received. |
Received | The date the message was received. |
mnc | The Mobile Network Code |
mcc | The Mobile Country Code |
Please see the list of available code examples below:
C# Example
Vb.Net Example
Delphi Example
Check Balance (Web Services)
There are 2 methods for checking your credits:
- Credits_STR (Returns XML string)
- Credits_DS (Returns data set)
Each function accepts 2 parameters:
- Username (string)
- Password (string)
The return object looks like this:
<error />
Your current credit value will be displayed between the “credits” tag.
Post Paid Customers
Credits will always return a value of 1000000 on Post Paid accounts as no credit deduction occurs on this account type.
Updated about 1 month ago