Supported Internet Browsers
For an optimal site experience, better encryption, and privacy support, we recommend using the latest versions of the browsers listed below.
Internet Explorer
- We no longer support Internet Explorer 11 (or below) and your SMSPortal experience may be suboptimal. We recommend moving to one of the recommended browsers below, as soon as possible for the best experience.
Recommended Browsers
Below you will find a list of our recommended web browsers, as well as a link to download and install a browser of your choice:
If you are experiencing any issues on the SMSPortal website, please try any of the following suggestions:
- Determine if your internet browser is current or needs upgrading
- Try using a different browser (in its latest version) as a temporary workaround
If you've tried these solutions but continue experiencing issues, contact us via email with the following details:
- An explanation of the issue
- The browser you are using
- A screenshot of your issue
Important Information
- Using older browser versions can prevent you from accessing SMSPortal's site, and some site features may not function as expected. Please note that browsers supported on a desktop may be different from those supported on a mobile device.
Updated 1 day ago