Email to SMS


Important: API Channel Activation for New Accounts and Sub-Accounts

When you create a new Account or Sub-Account, please be aware that by default, no API channels will be active. To enable API access and manage your Accounts and Sub-Accounts' API credentials and settings, please follow the steps outlined in the "API Keys" page.

Note for Accounts Created Before 6 June 2023: If you have an Account that was created before 6 June 2023, the API channels would have been automatically enabled. However, if you wish to switch to an alternative API or use additional APIs, you will need to create an API Key for the desired API.

This guide contains instructions on how to send an SMS via email, using a registered email address.
There are two methods available: send a single SMS or send bulk/multiple SMSes from one email account.

Getting Started

To begin using the Email to SMS API you will need the following:

  1. An SMSPortal account.
  2. An Email to SMS API Key.
  3. Register your email as the authorised email address.


Security Information

  • For security reasons, only one email address can be authorised to send Email to SMS requests for an SMSPortal account. To configure this please follow the procedure provided in the following “How to Register” section.

How to Create an Email to SMS API Key and Register

Simply click on "Settings" on the left-hand control panel menu, select the "API Keys" option and follow these easy steps:

If this is a new master or sub account, you will need to first create an Email to SMS API Key by clicking '+ Create API Key' in the top right corner and selecting Email. From here you can choose to create your own credentials or have them auto-generated for you.

Please make sure to save and store your API Secret (password) in a safe place before closing the modal as you will not be able to see your API Secret again without generating a new one.

To register a new email address (or change the registered email address) you will need to go to the "Actions" section to the right of your screen and click the 3 dots for the "API key for EMAIL" and then select the "settings" option. Once in the settings menu navigate to the second tab 'Email Whitelist' and enable the Authorised email check box. Once enabled enter your email address that you wish to use for this API and click update settings.

Your Email address will be updated.

How to Send a Single SMS

The following settings are available.

All emails need to be formatted in plain text and must be addressed to 'mobilephonenumber' and must contain the subject line, have a from email address and contain a message.

Email Field



Your email address


The To address must start with a mobile number and contain the domain in the address.
E.g. [email protected].

Only one email address will be accepted.


The subject must contain only your account password.


The message you wish to send to the mobile phone. This must be in plain text format.


Not Used


Not Used

Single SMS - Basic Example Email

How to Send a Bulk SMS

The following settings are available. The items in Bold are required.

All emails need to be formatted in plain text and must be addressed to [email protected] and must contain the subject line, have a from email address and contain a message.

Email Field



Your email address.


The To address must be [email protected] when sending to multiple
mobile phone numbers from one email. Only one email address will be accepted.


The subject must contain only your account password.


The message you wish to send to the mobile phone. This must be in plain text format.
Each line item in the email body must consist of the following information:

  • Phonenumber
  • Message
  • CustomerId (optional)
    They must be separated by the tilde “~” (above the 1 or left of the 1 key on the keyboard)


Not Used


Not Used

Bulk SMS - Basic Example Email

Optional Parameters

The following optional settings are available. The items in Bold are mandatory.

Email Field



All options must be separated by braces.

  • *[un=xxx]** - Your SMSPortal username
  • *[pw=xxx]** - Your SMSPortal password
  • Your password is always mandatory but if optional parameters are used it must be provided in the format above. [ack=1] - When set to 1, we will send an acknowledgment via email that the email to SMS request was received, and if it was processed.
  • *[fwdmo=1]** – When fwdmo is set to 1, replies will be sent to your From email address.

Should you require replies to be forwarded to an alternative email then set fwdmo=yourvalidemailaddress
[fwdmo=[email protected]]
Replies will be sent to the valid email address entered above.


  • *CustomerIDseparated from the message body by a~**.

Example Email Including Optional Parameters

Example 1. The subject line contains the un and pw.

Example 2. The subject line contains the un and pw, and the optional parameters, ack and fwdmo.

Example 3. The subject line contains the un and pw, and a line item for each SMS that needs to be sent with a CustomerID.

Example 4. The subject line contains the un and pw, and the optional parameters, ack and fwdmo.