Flow Builder

Flow Builder Screen

Flow Builder Screen

Simply click on "Flow Builder" on the left-hand control panel menu, and follow these easy steps:

Step 1: Create

Select the "Create New Flow" option, give your new Flow Builder a name, and click on "Create".

Step 2: Add Filters

Move your cursor over the "Customer Reply" button, and click on the "+" sign to the right.

Step 3: Add Actions

Move your cursor over a specific filter, and click on the "+" sign to the right.

Step 4: Save Flow

Click on the "Save Flow" button to the top-right of your screen to save your new flow.

Step 5: Send

Select your Flow from the "Customer Flow (Reply Rule)" drop-down table on your sending screen.



  • Keywords specifies which phrases (words) will trigger your flow, by adding unique keywords to the "Customer Reply" section.
  • Opt-Outs specifies which phrases (words) will unsubscribe users from your account, when they respond with a specific phrase, by adding unique Opt-Out phrases to the "Customer Reply" section.
  • Default Fallback triggers when a user responds with a phrase that is not recognized by any of your chosen keywords or Opt-Out phrases.



  • Send Message creates an automated response, which will send a unique message to a respondent, based on a specific phrase in one of your filters.
  • Forward Response forwards customers' replies to a specific email address, based on a specific phrase in one of your filters.